Achtsamkeit & Meditation – 5. Wegweiser

Achtsamkeitsübungen werden dir helfen, viel früher zu erkennen, wenn Gewitterwolken aufziehen. Wenn du ein Gewitter aufkommen spürst (über Ärger, Angst, Traurigkeit, etc.), dann atme erstmal tief durch, nimm bewusst deinen Körper wahr, versuch Abstand zur Situation zu bekommen und die Affekthandlung wegzulassen.


Unbound. Relaxed. Fulfilled. – 10 guides to clarity in life

Fulfillment is not waiting for you around some corner that you have yet to reach. No, the fulfillment is - here and now - in every moment! Allow yourself to perceive this!

We have been researching for years how we can invite more and more fulfillment into our lives.   

We found a way and we want to share our knowledge with you with these 10 guides.

Get started right away? Get yourself….
.... the 10 guideposts as pdf

"Unbound. Relaxed. Fulfilled. - 10 guides to clarity in life "

or as a podcastvideo